GSB Sonderabfall-Entsorgung Bayern GmbH
Fair: IFAT 2022, Munich
Exhibition booth: 165 sq m
For more than 50 years, GSB has been responsible for the environmentally sound disposal of industrial waste in Bavaria. Safety and reliability in the daily handling of these materials have the highest priority. Through modern technology, competent consulting services and individual disposal concepts, GSB already provide a forward-looking disposal service. You will find GSB in Bavaria at 11 locations with 4 chemical-physical treatment plants, 1 hazardous waste incineration plant with 2 incineration lines as well as 2 landfills. This ensures our customers, who include around 5,000 companies as well as government institutions and private individuals, have a nationwide disposal infrastructure at a high level.
Concept, Design & Execution
Concept and Design: MSM Messe Service Merkhoffer GmbH
Execution: MSM Messe Service Merkhoffer GmbH
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